Like us on Facebook and you will be saved!

One of the most thoughtful episodes of Fox’s “The Simpsons” involves Lisa questioning her faith after the family church had “sold out,” allowing advertisements and sponsors to infiltrate the house of worship (including the Noid!).

Recently, I drove by a church with the following message, which made me feel a little like Lisa.

I like reading messages on church entrance signs because they usually involve puns—even if they are often condescending puns that are meant to make me feel guilty. But this one made me laugh because it says something so timely and topical, and immediately demeans the message by adding the little Facebook tag.

Maybe they’re saying that they have the answers Google doesn’t. Maybe I’ve been praying the wrong way and should just direct message Jesus on Facebook because, yes, even the Son of God has a profile, and you can see how many friends you and the Messiah have in common through “You and Jesus” on the right-hand side.

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