Like Moths to a Flame

Take my beautiful, adoring women. Please!moth

According to the advertisements I get on line, there are literally dozens of beautiful women eager to have me invest in foreign currencies. Of course, this is all understandable as I know the purchasing-power parity condition, e.g.,

Price of Big Mac (denominated in dollars) = ($/Euro) * Price of Big Mac (denominated in euros)

However, I already have a wife who would love me even if I didn’t understand foreign exchange. So, I don’t need these beauties and their euros and yen. I’m sure my wife would feel the same as well.

So, visit me on Facebook and claim one of my admirers. It would be nice, if at the same time, you purchased one of my novels. I mean, fair is fair.

I could have had a really cool photo of a 5 lempira note from Honduras but I’m having problems with my scanner. Sorry.

– Paul R. De Lancey,  Dreamer


Check out my latest novel, the Christmas thriller, Beneficial Murders. My books are available in paperpack or Kindle on, As an e-book on Nook

or on my website-where you can get a signed copy at:

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2 thoughts on “Like Moths to a Flame”

  1. It’s very important to know where to obtain a Big Mac anywhere in the world, and how much you will have to pay for it. The travel books forget to mention this.

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