The Lone Gunman Cartoon

ISIS The Lone Gunman Cartoon

ISIS The Lone Gunman Cartoon

THERE IS A lot going on in the world at the moment to grab the attention of cartoonists and not a lot of it is funny. One of the methods of dealing with grim issues is to simply make a statement or conjecture which may or may not be true but simply a personal opinion. This one is about the fact that the Canadian ‘lone gunman’ has possibly been influenced by events boiling over in Iraq. The politically correct media, particularly TV, are quick to play the apologist by stating clearly that this was the act of ‘a lone gunman’ suggesting no possible links to Islamic State terrorism. It made me wonder if a lot of the radicalised youngsters drawn to ISIS (from countries all around the world) fit the ‘lone gunman’ mould and that this extremist movement serves as a sort of home for them.

Cartoons by Simon Ellinas.


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2 thoughts on “The Lone Gunman Cartoon”

  1. I wonder … what do you call herd of lone gunmen? A hoard? Of course, there will always be the crazy/angry type, but I can’t help thinking there’d be fewer individuals popping up if there wasn’t a big mob of them over in Iraq to draw their attention.

  2. Thought-provoking idea. I guess radical movements attract disillusioned loners. There is a silver lining, in that such individuals tend to be unstable, hopefully adding to the instability of the radical movement

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