This Phone Is Tapped

I had to call Jill Y on one of those old stationary cell phones that’s really not a cell phone at all. We discussed our plans to remove Bon Jovi from the realm of consciousness. I can’t explain why but I had a strange notion that either Bon Jovi or even people who mattered, were listening to our conversation:


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7 thoughts on “This Phone Is Tapped”

  1. Why were you using a pay phone? Don’t you know those are only used in drug deals and kidnappings? What do you have to hide?…..

    1. It started out as a plot to kidnap Thirsty Dave’s sense of humor. Four days and four nights and still no sign of it!

  2. Gee, I was planning to use one of those old payphones to discuss my devious plot to take over the world. I guess I’ll just have to stick to passing notes.

      1. Why were you using a pay phone? Don’t you know those are only used in drug deals and kidnappings? What do you have to hide?…..

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