Moore Versus Eastwood: The Sniping Continues


The controversy surrounding the film American Sniper continued today when director Michael Moore confirmed to The Daily Mail that Clint Eastwood had previously threatened his life. The incident occurred in 2005 at an awards ceremony where Eastwood was being honored for his film Million Dollar Baby, a documentary about fertility clinics.

Speaking from the stage, Eastwood said “We both appreciate living in a country where there’s free expression. But, Michael, if you ever show up at my front door with a camera, I’ll kill you.”

Eastwood didn’t elaborate on what would happen if Moore showed up at his back door, but industry watchers assume it would be the same thing.

The animosity between the two directors has continued ever since that 2005 encounter. Shortly after Eastwood released his 2012 film Trouble With The Curve, Moore was reported to have told Eastwood “It’s good to see someone doing a film on the issue of erectile dysfunction.”

Industry watchers are speculating on Moore’s next move. They suspect the prank-loving director will show up early at Eastwood’s house with a cardboard cutout of himself holding a camera. And when Eastwood answers the doorbell and then steps in a pile of dog crap on his porch, he’ll go ballistic and recreate a scene from Gran Torino. Which Moore will film from the bushes and then post on You Tube.

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3 thoughts on “Moore Versus Eastwood: The Sniping Continues”

  1. This is a tough one. I think I’m going to sit on the fence for the first time in my life. Both of these gentlemen have vast experience of guns and I have none.

  2. I think it would be far funnier to film Michael Moore participating for one day to train as a Navy Seal. In fact, he may resemble a seal, floundering around on the ground with his blubber.

    1. I’d pay to see that, Maura!

      I’d always suspected Moore was an idiot. This is proof: If Clint Eastwood threatened me, I’d change my name and move to Estonia.

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