11 thoughts on “Say my name, say my name…”

  1. Magnificent visual pun–I’m in ecstasy.
    Doesn’t look big enough for adults, perhaps big enough, though, for tots.
    I think there’s a video about this couch on YouTuber.
    I’ve made some comments. Does that make me a common-tater?

    1. Is this couch solid potato, or is it one of those composite deals made of potato CHIPS?
      What is this couch stuffed with?
      Good idea, but the execution seems half-baked.

      1. My wife wants to know does this love seat come as part of a potato suite?
        And what colors are available? Does it come in hash brown?

        1. How much does it cost? We’d have to pay for it out of our shoestring budget.

          1. I’m sorry to have to do this Bill but I’m going to have to cut your visual puns off. I’m sorry and I know it hurts right now but you’ll thank me one day!

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