Friday Humor Devotional

Jesus-saves-piggy-bankDear Lord, please forgive my 5-year-old’s innocent outburst during one of our Sunday sermons.  When the Reverend praised that Jesus Saves, little Barry proudly stood up and shouted, “But Daddy says Moses refinances!”  Amen, with 5 % interest.











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8 thoughts on “Friday Humor Devotional”

    1. Yep his advertising slogan is, “Invest with Moses” and get two free tablets! 😉

    1. Only if it cuts into his prophets; see what I did there Donna, prophets/profits. Yeah, I’m going to hell for sure. 🙁

  1. I believe the Jesus dude was an animal lover and constantly donated money to bear funds.

    1. Shedding his bearer bonds to help the Dow-trodden! Hallelujah Bill Y!

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