If you’re looking for a spell to make Math reveal its hidden truth, this might help. You’re welcome.

Moon and tide help me now, I seek the truth here not yet found, For underneath the fog there lies, New possibilities for I, So let this night be unlike others, And let the noble show their colors, And let the meek and cowards run, For now the moon seeks out her sun, And by the power that is three, So as I will it, so mote it be.


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8 thoughts on “If you’re looking for a spell to make Math reveal its hidden truth, this might help. You’re welcome.”

  1. Eye of newt and double toil
    Who hath made this dreadful foil?
    Send him back to school this day,
    And learn arithmetic he may.

    1. Jill Y is my school and if she can’t teach me, I can’t be taught.

  2. Witch spell is this? I almost understood this for a short spell, but then I didn’t.

    Clarification I now require
    So that truth is spoken
    Let what is hidden now
    Be brought into the open.
    Speak truth with passion
    And goodbye to caution
    As the truth is said
    May I not be misled.

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