The light at the end of the tunnel is a train.

If I was to tell you that they sold Thomas The Tank Engine for parts, you wouldn’t believe me and I wouldn’t believe me either but what if I was to present you with evidence? That just leads to a different train of thought, does it not?


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6 thoughts on “The light at the end of the tunnel is a train.”

    1. It’s good to see someone asking the real questions, Don Don’s. Has anyone ever seen Jovi, Smith and Trump in the same room? Exactly!

  1. Why? Why? Why? Ay, caramba! I don’t know how any hombre could have done this to Thomas, but he undeniably—on the face of it—had a loco motive.

    1. I was looking at the evidence, Bill. They tried to cover their tracks but Bon Jovi fans are are to blame. They are the only ones who have the metal to do something like this.

    1. I was the same. It took me a few days but I was able to train myself to do it.

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