That concrete moment when your best friend is Mexican but your president is seriously into causing disagreement and hostility between people…

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7 thoughts on “That concrete moment when your best friend is Mexican but your president is seriously into causing disagreement and hostility between people…”

  1. Back when my paternal grandparents came to the United States from Italy, bringing my father and my uncle with them, people looked down on Italians and a lot of people were wishing that all Italian immigrants would go back where they came from.

    Eventually, immigration quotas were put into law, making it harder for people from southern and eastern Europe to come here.

    Maybe that’s why I think it’s stupid and unjust to discriminate against Mexicans and other groups who are trying to make lives for themselves here that they can’t get in their native countries.

    This country was built on immigration. Donald Trump should know this. His own ancestors came from Germany!

    1. So far, Trump seems to be purposely ignorant to any sort of logic or sense and that’s what’s so terrifying about him.

  2. There’s a reason that a synonym for “wall” is “offense.”

    (a fence)

    (Bill Y, I totally agree with your editorial capitalisation decision.)

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