God and Google: One in the Same?

Are you one of the millions who have been searching for your spiritual self? Have you eaten at the religion buffet – trying a little bit of this or a little bit of that hoping to feed your hungry soul? Are you trying to just find God? Well, there is no need to search anymore. I believe I have figured out the answers; I have solved the mystery. God does exist, and His name is Google.Okay, I hear scoffing and threats already, but allow me to present my arguments in a logical and scientific way.

First: The name Google. It’s pretty close to God. Google is a smushed version of the two words God and ogles which means God is watching. See? That is logical – right?

Second: God is omnipresent and omniscient; Google is omnipresent and omniscient. How do I know this? I used to have Google ads on my site HumorOutcasts.com, but then a funny thing happened. One of my writers used the words “spread” and “legs” too close together and all my Google ads went away. Yes, Google was able to read each word on my site from afar and make a judgment that the words were meant for evil. And even though it wasn’t a sex article, Google made it clear that it was unacceptable to use those two words in near proximity of each other without incurring Google wrath. Thus, I lost my ads. While this was a shame, I do still like using Google ads, and if you’re not using Google ads for your site, you might want to check out something like ppcnerd.com for some helpful automation scripts that could help you big time.

Third: God will let us say we are sorry and move on. Usually, there is a bit of physical torture to endure before everything is honky dory again, but the lesson is supposedly that He forgives. Google also accepts repentance with a price. Let’s go back to those ads, shall we? Google seems to be okay with foul language, but I have to promise to post no words that might construe sexual activity. I find this a bit hypocritical.

The bible is rampant with sex and sex acts. I don’t see how my little site contains anything more lewd than the Book. And I have one more excuse that Google (God) doesn’t have when it comes to using graphic language: I have creative writers who sometimes need to use these words. It’s part of the creative process. There is no creative or artistic voice in the bible – no, that lewd action going on in those verses is going on because the people were horny. Google is worried about the word “legs” on my site when the Book has people hooking up with their own offspring, siblings and farm animals. And my site needs screening? I think not.

Anyway, if I promise really loud not to allow certain words, I can seek forgiveness from Google and if Google does accept my apology, I can do penance which entails me filtering out the words that might be needed to make one of my writer’s stories the best story it can be. Google, eerily like God, is tough.

Fourth: Google runs the Internet world; God always ran the physical and above-the-physical world. I think God devised Google so that He can seize control of not only the Earth and the heavens but cyberspace too. I bet he realized that sending prophets, plagues and natural disasters is a lot of upfront work that yields little respect and adoration back. God figured out that offering his children good things might keep them in line better than smiting them with bad stuff. Google also opens doors to good things.

Fifth ( a minor argument but one worth mentioning): Google has Gourmet eating facilities for employees at their “headquarters” in California, so Google employees have banquets every day. In the bible, banquets were also very important. God’s main people were always throwing banquets, eating at banquets, getting thrown out of banquets. You get the idea: banquets were big .Coincidence: I think not.

Sixth: Any question one needs answered in this world is answered by typing it into the Google bar. That’s the 21st century’s way of praying. “Please Google; tell me how to make a quiche from scratch?” or “Please Google, tell me who was the actor who looked like a mini-John Denver and played the Brady Bunch’s cousin Oliver in the last season?”’Or “Google, how do I make a photon torpedo that will blow the socks off the rest of the nerds at the next Star Trek Convention?”

See, Google knows all. Maybe God determined that prophets and plagues are a dime a dozen in today’s world, and He needed something with a more immediate impact, so He gave us the Internet – His own Google Internet. And another advantage to Google, the results are immediate. No one has to roam the deserts for decades or wait until he turns 15o years old to attain goals or have children like they do in the bible. No, with Google, the reward comes quickly.

Hey, I know Yahoo and whoever else came on the scene want to think that they are the most powerful force on the Internet, but guess what? Until your name becomes a verb or the focus of an anti-trust action, you are small potatoes. Don’t believe me? Google it

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11 thoughts on “God and Google: One in the Same?”

  1. I think the biggest similarity between man’s interpretation of God and the existence of Google is that they are both from the active imagination of humans. But that’ may be nothing more than my healthy skeptic nature.

  2. At first I was going to correct you and say “Her” name is google. Then I realized “She” would have a better sense of humor.

  3. So… It’s totally inappropriate for me to say, um, “bumping uglies” or “doing the horizontal mambo”? How strange that a search engine company should feel so offended by words. Words like, unfiltered Google image search for “Mexican donkey show” for example. 🙂

  4. Boy this is tempting! But I’ll try to behave for the good of the site and the Almighty Google! Are you sure they are God and not just Big Brother?

      1. BTW, I just noticed that the most popular search phrase used to find your site today is “devil”! You have apparently crossed over to the non-Google side!

        1. That Devil made me do it article gets a hit every day; Apparently, the dude is popular. We have lots of changes coming and we will be writing about them this weekend. All good things.

  5. Donna, I sense that you are just a tad upset. I could be wrong but then again maybe I’m right. I’m afraid to write anything for fear my words will be deleted. Or maybe worse than that I will cause you some kind of trouble. I love the way you explain banquets. It is possible that it’s not a coincidence. Just exactly who is google anyway? If we know that we may have our answers. Just a friendly thought! Nothing bad intended for sure!

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