Halloween Decoration


Halloween Cometh © by Tobyotter

There was a banging on my front door. My dog  was snarling and going wild. Afraid of what stood on the other side,  I opened the door slightly to take a peek.  I was relieved to see only  my neighbor, but my relief was short lived when I noticed foam forming at the corners of her mouth. Petrified, I tried to shut the door but she held   onto the handle and pushed in. My beagle ran for cover and so I stood there alone facing this monster.


“Is something wrong? What do you want?” I cried. I could feel my body tremble.  Her eyes were blood red with anger.

“How dare you put such frightening lawn decorations out!  Can’t you see how scared the children and the elderly are!  They pass your house and cringe with fear. What has turned you into such a cold human being?”

I looked to my lawn and laughed a fiendish laugh. There were no gravestones or skeletons or ghosts or monsters on my grass. No, this year I got something better. My Halloween decoration was scarier than any creature of the night. On my lawn stood a lone sign that read, “Perry/Bachmann 2012.”


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