Street Art

Last year’s movie, “Exit Through the Gift Shop,” was a wildly entertaining journey, showing the underground night life of well-known street artists, including Shepard Fairey, Mr. Brainwash, and the enigmatic Banksy. I was thoroughly captivated by the excitement, creativity, and the downright “F the system” attitude displayed by these edgy artists. So, for the first time ever, I’m announcing to the world my entry into the crazy world of street art. I’m not going to say much about my projects, due to the questionable legality, but you may have seen my work around your cities, and if you haven’t seen it, now you’ll know what to look for. I have a very recognizable signature piece that I install at busy intersections, it’s a red octagon, with four white block letters that spell S-T-O-P. Please keep an eye out for it, and just remember that you now know a legitimate street artist, and for god’s sake, STOP!!!!


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6 thoughts on “Street Art”

  1. A town near me has one of your pieces. Right below it is a smaller rectangular sign that reads: “Rolling Stops $150, Full Stops Free, your choice.” It should have gone on to say if you read all of this you are good to go. 🙂

      1. It’s symbolic. It means never rush into life. Just take the time to sit back, have a margarita and then make decisions. Symbolism is big in street art.

        1. I like it, I like it, very deep. I like the margarita idea. Mine may not be as deep, it basically means stop, or else you’re going to get side swiped by oncoming traffic. 🙂

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