The Gonadi Tribe

Deep in the remote western corner of Zimbabwe , a native tribe continues to live as they have for more than 1000 years. They are the Gonadi tribe, and their daily worship and even entire existence is based upon the human scrotum. They revere it for propagating their numbers and for keeping their traditions alive, generation after generation. Nightly ceremonies honor the scrotum, and when a tribesman passes away, his body is buried but his scrotum is taken for the tribe.

It is for both practical and supernatural reasons. Not only do they use dried scrota for food storage and water transfer, but they even use them in construction, as they haven long proven their worth for their amazing insulating properties. They also use them for leisure activities, as they can be inflated and tied to create a sort of ball for a game which is similar to soccer, called “Testikiki”. And then there is the obvious, constant reverence placed on it for its symbolism regarding fertility.

They have shown no use for any imported beliefs. It is the scrotum and only the scrotum that centers the tribe to their ages-old traditions. Missionaries have long given up on this land and its people, noting their strange ways and historic resistance to all Abrahamic faiths. To the disapproving missionaries, this tribe is truly sack-religious.

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4 thoughts on “The Gonadi Tribe”

  1. Ack! I was blindsided!!!! Never saw that coming. Excellent pun. Still smiling.

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