Nobody Loves Me

Nobody loves this dirt path, either.
Nobody loves me.

When my little sister was born, my mother looked at her and said, “What a sweet baby!” When I was born, she looked at me and said, “What the hell is this?

I had to wear my younger sister’s hand-me-downs.

Even the school dweebs didn’t want to be seen with me.

Men only want me for my mind.

My dog refused to greet me at the door.

My cat pretends I don’t exist.

It isn’t easy living with this. Every time I turn around it’s something new. I don’t even do anything to earn this; it just comes. It’s some kind of weird talent or anti-magnetism or something.

The old ladies next door won’t gossip about me.

At family weddings, they seat me behind the organ.

When I moved into a haunted house, the ghosts moved out.

Are there any others out there with similar experiences to share? If so, please post them in the comments section below. I’m not going to start a support group or anything. It would just make me happy to know that there are other miserable misfits out there, too.

You are not alone.

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6 thoughts on “Nobody Loves Me”

    1. Of course. And for even more attention, I could walk up to anyone who annoys me and punch him out! 😀

    1. Hehe! Thanks. One of the fun things about being a humor writer is that you get to make up all kinds of stuff, as long as it’s funny. 😀 Once you toss the boring truth out the door, ideas just keep popping into your head.

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