Potty Humor — Literally

Commercials sometimes baffle me.  Last night, the Northern Quilted toilet paper commercial came on during an episode of Friends.  The ad starts off with a woman who says, “It’s time to get real and talk about what really goes on in the bathroom.”  And then another woman chimes in “It’s time to talk about what you really want in a toilet paper.”

Really? This is so important. These women acted as if, up until now, toilet paper was some kind of national security secret that no one knew about.  For the record, I already pretty much know everything that goes on in a bathroom and what I want from a toilet paper is what I am guessing what everyone else wants – a product that does its job. I don’t think I need to explain it nor do I think we need to discuss it in detail with our family or the world at large.

But this is not what ticks me off about this commercial.  What ticks me off is that women are the ones who have to bring up the discussion according to the toilet paper company.  Why didn’t they ask men to discuss what goes on in the bathroom. Do they not know? To be honest, I always thought it was men, more so than women, who held the bathroom in such high esteem.

Women of Quilted Northern Toilet Paper, I don’t know how to break this to you, but the type of toilet paper you use is not that important, and discussing your TP is even less important. If you want to have really vital discussions, check out other topics where a woman’s viewpoint might be needed.  I think the GOP is in need of a few good women to discuss subjects that are near and dear to our heart.  Who knows? Maybe when all is said and done, the men of the Republican Party might make a commercial and have women say, “It’s time to get real and talk about what you really think is important in a woman’s life.”

Nah, they bring in priests for that.


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2 thoughts on “Potty Humor — Literally”

  1. I would like to know what really goes on in the bathroom of the GOP, Republican Party, eh, maybe not, lol.

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