Sometimes it’s too easy to blame the parents so I blame Paris Hilton

It’s easy to beat up on the next generation because they’re stupid but I prefer to mock them simply because I can. Of course it would be wrong to paint them all with the same stupid brush but sometimes you only have one stupid brush and you can only work with the tools you have. Joanna Clark makes things easy. She makes it easy to point the finger at her and wonder if she is in fact trying to be sarcastic. Once you come to terms with the fact that she is anything but sarcastic, you might wonder if she will end up as a singer in a band called “Elbow Grease Is Not For losers Like Me, It’s For Losers Like You”. Sometimes it’s too easy to blame the parents so I blame Paris Hilton:

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6 thoughts on “Sometimes it’s too easy to blame the parents so I blame Paris Hilton”

  1. That is so true as no one has asked her to repeat her horrid reality show! Hooray for doing things badly!

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