This isn’t a joke, this is real life.

Y world, the world of Y, my life – they’re one in the same and another name for this prison I find myself supposedly existing in. Some people are born to this world with silver spoon in mouth. I was spat from the depths of despair by parents who could not handle the so-called music of Cliff Richard. I have no problem with Cliff Richard and think he makes a good example of what it is to be an ex-annoyance. His music on the other hand is as dire as the consequences of Polio. Today my work finished as it usually dies, with happiness. I crawled home to my den of shelter and solace and there waiting for me was the email from Donna Cavanagh, founder of and all around good person. That email informed me of the kind of news that news informs you of. That email informed me that Jon Jovi is going to sell his smell all around the world and not only was I physically sick, I was sick physically:

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12 thoughts on “This isn’t a joke, this is real life.”

  1. What smell is this? Jon Bon Jovi’s sweat? Guitar polish? An amplifier catching fire?

    Bill, we would appreciate it if you would try this stuff out and let us all know.

    *runs away fast*

  2. One time in Fred Meyers I saw a display for a perfume by a country singer. I sampled his perfume. It smelled like horse piss. What smell can we expect here Bill?

    1. I’m glad you asked that Tom. The word on the street is that the scent will evoke the individual smell of my sick combined with top note of bleak desolation for the creativity of music as we know it.

  3. I too, feel your pain. Smelling Bon Jovi throughout eternity is an abomination. But the bright side: At least he’s not singing? LOL.

  4. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I don’t think this will kill you, but it DOES allow Bon Jovi to assault even more of your senses. Be strong!

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