When statues attack

I’m not going to lie and tell you that this is a true story in the same way that I’m not going to lie and tell you that Bon Jovi are anyway close to being relevant to the music industry. Long ago, high in a mountain in Mexico, lived a young Shepherd boy, Angelo who was terrified of statues. Each night when he went to sleep, he would have a recurring nightmare where a statue would attack him and he was powerless to prevent it from happening. It just so happened that Angelo began sleepwalking and one night when Thirsty Dave and I were coming home from the pub, we saw with our very eyes, Angelo’s worst nightmare come to life:


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7 thoughts on “When statues attack”

  1. The statues attack Angelo because they see what he does at night with the sheep. If he stops doing that, the statues will like him better.

      1. I think he was messing with a couple of the statues’ girlfriends. More I do not know.

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