Whoever lost a bundle of 100 $ bills tied up in a rubber band…. I found the rubber band.

If there’s one thing we want to instill in Little Dill Y, it’s a sense of Bon Jovi hatred, a sense of despair and a sense of where Nicaragua is, on a map of Nicaragua. Like the one-handed man who applauded the kindness of strangers, we single-handedly, handed him a second-hand notion of honesty. He grabbed this notion with one hand and we thought he let it fall but apparently we weren’t right:


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4 thoughts on “Whoever lost a bundle of 100 $ bills tied up in a rubber band…. I found the rubber band.”

  1. I like to think that Little Dill Y gave all that found money to help build an orphanage in Nicaragua.

    1. If there was money involved and I’m not saying that there was but if there was, it may have went into the Bon Jovi hatred fund! Enough said!

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