As definite as the wisdom of a tooth

Life is full of uncertainties and that’s for sure. From the moment we go to sleep until the moment we go to sleep again, doubt plants seeds of unfathomable reason but what am I really talking about, I hear you ask? Well, I have no idea what I’m talking about because I’m an unsettled, uncertain man and I’m uncertain of that. There is but one thing that is as definite as the wisdom of a tooth:


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12 thoughts on “As definite as the wisdom of a tooth”

  1. Too funny. Perhaps he’s the ferry equivalent of guys who rub up against strangers on the subway, a gnarly affliction that would make a fellow quite unhappy.

  2. HA HA HA HA! Why does he look like he’s thinking, “Oh, how I love riding the wild bitches!” Very funny Bill!

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