Honk if You Like Cats

Not to be outdone by YouTube, /Cats. Where They Do Not Belong, LOL Cats and everybody else, I give you my version of the Cute Kitty Picture.

Where can a girl get a drink around here?
Where can a girl get a drink around here?
Who let the cat out of the bag?
Who let the cat out of the bag?

I'm so cute I should be illegal!
I’m so cute I should be illegal!

My cat Harmony was happy to stay in one spot long enough for me to get these pictures. Fortunately for me, she has a sense of humor and doesn’t take herself too seriously.

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10 thoughts on “Honk if You Like Cats”

  1. The only thing my cat does is belch in my face when I’m taking a nap. I guess that could be cute? 😉

    1. Hehe! You should get someone to take a video of that!

      Your cat has probably learned that he gets instant attention by doing that.

      I firmly believe that animals have a sense of humor, and that cats are the champion comedians of the animal world.

  2. I am currently preparing a slideshow of pets from our congregation at church, to show for the Feast of St. Francis. I have been bombarded with everyone’s cute animal pictures! Thanks for a few more!

    1. You’re welcome, Mike. Happy to oblige.

      One of my nicknames for Harmony is “Funny Girl.”

    1. This cat doesn’t stop! I have more pictures of her than of all my past furry babies put together. And there are even more missed opportunities, where I couldn’t get my camera or iPhone ready before she stopped doing whatever funny or cute thing I wanted to immortalize.

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