I’m not going to lie, I don’t even know what an Arts Degree is but I’m willing to bet, you can download one from the internet.

Okay, let’s alienate some people, shall we? Someone, somewhere is going to say ‘Wait a minute, my Arts Degree is worth more than the email from the Online College that sent it to me” and maybe it is but ask yourself this bro “If your name was Bill Y and your better half was called Jill Y, don’t say you wouldn’t share an email address like BillYandJillY@gmail.com Enough said. Now laugh at the picture and say to yourself “It’s funny ’cause it’s true”


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2 thoughts on “I’m not going to lie, I don’t even know what an Arts Degree is but I’m willing to bet, you can download one from the internet.”

  1. Now this is a classic example of Y this world confuses the bejaysus out of me so much. I thought an arts degree had something to do with drawing circles and squares at angles.

    The graffiti writer must be damn good because I also understood what was meant or at least I thought I did until now.

    I’m not going to lie, I had to google “Nonsequiturs” and I can fully understand why you would give me such an award. I can only humbly thank you from the bottom of where my heart is supposed to be!

  2. I have two arts degrees, both of them in music.

    I am now trying to be a writer. I don’t have a degree in Creative Writing, but I have taken enough classes to almost equal a degree.

    And yet, for some strange reason, I fully understand what the graffiti writer above was feeling.

    And Bill, I nominate you for an award as the King of Nonsequiturs.

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