L.A. Comedy Shorts Film Festival Selects Film by Daily Fiber Films

HumorOutcasts.com is proud to shout out that ALFRED HITCHCOCK PREZENTZ CHUBBY BUNNY by  Daily Fiber Films was selected for the 2013 L.A. Comedy Shorts Film Festival.

Currently, the largest comedy film festival in the United States, the film festival is a four-day, non-stop celebration of comedic short films with screenings, industry panels and a red-carpet awards event. LACS was named one of Moviemaker Magazine’s “25 Festivals Worth the Entry Fee” in both 2009 and 2011, and was honored as one of the “Top Ten Film Festivals in the U.S.” by the Brooks Institute.

Daily Fiber Films has been in the Festival six times in the last four years. Go to http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL300B4FE2E509FE1F&feature=edit_ok for a list of their festival selections.

Co-founded by Raymond McAnally and Ryan Gould, Daily Fiber Films is an ever evolving, award-winning team of filmmakers and performers including Mark Nickelsburg, William Philbin, Aaron Ballard and many other talented collaborators. Daily Fiber Films  is quickly becoming one of THE  “go to” companies for quality and creative filmmaking. With a focus on quality writing, acting and directing, the company strives to create high quality film content for the internet and build a community of like minded filmmakers who provide a prolific body of work that is both artistic and fun. Daily Fiber Films has been featured on FunnyorDie.com, The ComicsComic, FilmSchoolRejects, TheStation2 and CNN.


Check out Alfred Hitchock Prezentz Chubby Bunny here:

[embedplusvideo height=”352″ width=”576″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/QABNua5d_mU?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=QABNua5d_mU&width=576&height=352&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep5288″ /]
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4 thoughts on “L.A. Comedy Shorts Film Festival Selects Film by Daily Fiber Films”

  1. Wow congratulations on your win!! How could they not award you this honor whey you are hilarious as hell!!

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