Pat Robertson and the Wandering Man

On the 700 Club, Pat Robertson told a female viewer that men have a natural inclination to “wander” and it’s the wife’s responsibility to keep her man from wandering by making her home “enticing”. On the 666 network, Lorena Bobbitt told a female viewer that the only way to keep her husband from wandering was to cut off his penis.  In a follow up and  totally unscientific poll, most women agreed with Lorena.

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9 thoughts on “Pat Robertson and the Wandering Man”

  1. We don’t get the 700 Club over here but if that’s the type of stuff we’re missing, I don”t think I’m going to lose any sleep over it!

  2. To Pat Robertson:

    Yeah, right! And you probably still believe that it’s the girl’s responsibility, on a date, to set the boundaries beyond which she will not let the boy pass. You probably also believe that any woman who is raped was asking for it.


    You have no understanding of women, and you don’t care.


    1. Donna – In case I didn’t make it clear, Pat Robertson is the idiot. You, on the other hand, are a very smart lady.

  3. Robertson is merely telling us what his personal biases are in his fantasy world. A world that would be shattered if Lorena’s point of view wanders into it.

  4. Ouch! That’s pretty harsh, lol. What ever happened to the good-old-days when a man would stay home for a frozen dinner and a beer.

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