The Evolution of the Baby Secret Doll

baby secret The Days of Innocence are long gone. For example, during a family visit, I came upon an old doll that belonged to my sister-in-law that was made by Mattel  in the 1960s.  I don’t know what little girl back then would have considered this doll a great prize, but I guess the sixties were a unique generation in many ways.  Anyway,  Baby Secret Doll would whisper messages in a sultry and quite frankly, creepy voice to anyone who pulled her cord.  I have to wonder that if she were sold today, would Baby Secret Doll  be on the shelf at Toys R Us or on the shelf at Adult Toys R Us. Here are some of the messages Baby Secret whispered in her very provocative tone:

“Hello. My name is Baby Secret.”

“I like to sleep with you.”

“I like to whisper in the dark.”

“Listen… What’s that?”

“Don’t talk so loud.”

“Hold me close and whisper.”

And in case you think I made this up:

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11 thoughts on “The Evolution of the Baby Secret Doll”

  1. I just hope you haven’t given Miley Cyrus the lyrics for a new song although it would be so much better that the tripe that she currently churns out.

    1. I don’t think even in her hey day that this doll would have attracted me. All I ever wanted was a doll with long straight hair. Thank Goodness Beautiful Chrissy came around.

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