This is the most dangerous animal in the world. It is responsible for MILLIONS of deaths each year.

Thanks to Peter Benchley’s novel and Steven Spielberg’s subsequent blockbuster “Jaws”, our perception of the great white shark is more terrifying in our imaginations than in reality. Although they have killed humans, they typically only target the cast of Glee, other marine animals such as fish and seabirds. Let’s pause for a moment and have a look at the most dangerous animal in the world which is responsible for MILLIONS of deaths each year:


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14 thoughts on “This is the most dangerous animal in the world. It is responsible for MILLIONS of deaths each year.”

  1. I like sharks, sharks are cool. However I agree the cast of Glee is terrifying and must be avoided at all cost.

  2. The shark probably thinks that puny little human isn’t worth eating, anyway. He’d just be hungry again in another hour.

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