This looks like the real thing but looks can be deceiving.

The internet is full of information and this is a good thing. Thanks to the internet, I actually sometimes come across as having a semblance of intelligence but it’s not me at all, it’s the stuff Google told me that creates the illusion. There is however a problem. With so much information out there, it can be hard to decipher what’s real and what’s as real as John Travolta pretending to be Nic Cage. The internet can show me this Lacoste sweater but how do I know that it’s a genuine Lacoste?


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8 thoughts on “This looks like the real thing but looks can be deceiving.”

  1. You mean that all I have to do to appear rich is to Scotch tape a green lizard to a blue shirt?

    The colors don’t even go together!

    1. I’m not sure but the word on the street is that he drives a Jaguar and that it looks far from legit!

  2. I might be gullible but I would have a hard time figuring out that this is a fake! It looks incredibly like a real Lacoste. Thank goodness we have you, Bill Y to show us the truth!

    1. You’re not gullible at all, at all Don Don’s. Many a together person has been taken in by promises of such riches, only to end up with anything but riches. If Bill Y has helped in one small way to highlight the awareness, then I truly am as brilliant as I keep telling myself I am!

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