Westboro Baptist Welcomes New Neighbor, Hopes To Enlist Him in War Against The Sodomites

Westboro Baptist Church has welcomed a new neighbor to their street in Topeka, Kansas. A spokesman for the church said that a fruit basket was left on the porch, but they have not yet met the man who recently bought the house.

A new recruit?

“Oh, we’re ecstatic that he bought that piece of shit. It was a real eyesore. The last guy who lived there was raising chickens in the backyard, never registered or inspected his vehicles, and changed with the blinds open… not to mention he used to have mineral water shipped in by the case, if you know what I mean…so we’re sure anyone else is a step up. Not sure about that color scheme he’s using on his house, but at least it covered up the “Suck it, Fred” graffiti that used to be on it. We are eager to enlist his help in the war against the Sodomites and hope that our fruit basket will help butter him up.”

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6 thoughts on “Westboro Baptist Welcomes New Neighbor, Hopes To Enlist Him in War Against The Sodomites”

  1. I just read an article in the local paper about this house and occupants. Apparently, most of the houses near the WBC church are owned by WBC or its members. But they decided this house was a money pit and didn’t want it. It took six painters before the new occupants found one that was brave enough to paint it! Planting Peace has raised over $50,000 in a few days since moving in.

  2. Ahh! The classic paradox where an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. This ought to be fun.

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