Deadly Mike

Bill Y has no time at all for racism, egoism or Bon Jovi fanaticism. I do however have a lot of time for absurdism, realism and atheism. Our imaginary son’s friend Deadly Mike “two-time killer” Johnston is a kid with a past who is rightly concerned about his future and the result of a recent test didn’t exactly fill him with hope:


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10 thoughts on “Deadly Mike”

  1. I’m going to be the best and most loving person I can be so I can go to heaven. Mostly, because I hear tell that Hell had piped in, 24-7 Bon Jovi, Amen.

    1. Did I just get a Friday Devotional on a Friday, in a comment? I think I did! Praise the Lord! Amen!

  2. Judgmental religious people? Who would have thought? This poor kid looks quite scared. Bill Y,if you are giving the test, everyone goes to heaven except for those who think they know who are going to heaven. They are going nowhere fast.

    1. Massively true. If the Y was giving the test, there would be some people with very surprising results!

  3. I’m a Catholic. To some people who do not share this particular association, that means that I’ll never get into Heaven, even if I am a really good person. For that reason, I think I’ll skip this and just tell the test givers to go to Hell. 😉

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