I wouldn’t really tell me not to do something unless you really want me to do it.

We went to visit Jill Y’s grandfather. The visit didn’t last too long and I’m told it was all my fault. A mocker like me, tends to say things to people without fear of consequence. If you haven’t an open minded sense of humor with a deep rooted hatred of Bon Jovi and a fear of nuns, well then you’re not me. Like your first ever pint of Guinness, I can be a bit of an acquired taste. So there we were on our way to visit Jill Y’s grandfather and I was under strict orders to talk about anything except the MTV Video Music Awards as the mere mention of the subject, sends him into a rage. We got out of the car and he was waiting to greet us. I immediately asked him if had seen the MTV Video Music Awards and we had to get straight back in the car and drive home:


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8 thoughts on “I wouldn’t really tell me not to do something unless you really want me to do it.”

    1. I don’t know Don Don’s, when I interviewed for my current job, my boss asked me what I would bring to the roll and I said “Ham & Cheese”! As I said, an acquired taste! I got the job though!

    1. He seems like an interesting man but I doubt if I’ll get a chance to talk to him again!

  1. Yeah, I kind of agree with him … even though he stole the “get off my lawn” line from the novella I just finished writing. (Even though I stole it from someone else.)

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