Congratulations from the world’s largest chain of hamburger, fast food restaurants.

An hour; 60 minutes; how long it takes Thirsty Dave to drink 62 beers. There are quite a few ways to express this amount of time but did you know that Graduats won a spelling […]

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I know as much about Drew as I do about Bob.

This photo made me realize two things: 1) I don’t know who Drew Carey is. 2) I don’t know who Bob Barker is.

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How not to pay attention and not pay for it.

So Jill Y made me watch The Water Diviner with her and I didn’t fall asleep even once or so she thinks. She doesn’t know that I’ve learned to fall asleep with my eyes open. […]

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I’m sorry but there is no funny today.

Today we break from tradition for today, you don’t get the story behind the image. What Bill Y witnessed today, he did not like one little bit. ‘Nuff said.

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Go Google Go

There’s a reason for most things. This is one of them:

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If you watch Godzilla backwards, it’s about a giant lizard who helps rebuild a half burnt down city and then moonwalks back into the ocean.

If you’re one of those people. And you’re thinking about buying a Baby Godzilla Lizard, this is probably not going to sway you, one way or the other:

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When A Star Explodes

A fact can always be questioned and in fact, it’s good to question facts and that’s a fact or something:

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On The Road To Success, There Are No Shortcuts

The Path of Enlightenment is about awakening the part of the universe that exists within you and understanding the height of your truck as well as the height of the bridge:

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