The greatest love story of all time involves shoes. No surprise there, then.

Only twice have I forgotten what Jill Y looks like and Grandma knows it won’t happen again:

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Taylor Bass is Outstanding

You can say words and you can write words and that’s cool and everything but be under no illusion; you never have and never will say anything as cool as Taylor Bass:

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You’re Not The Boss Of Me Now

Jill Y doesn’t allow me to criticize shoe designers. Therefore, ipso facto, according to Voltaire, shoe designers rule over me:

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One Man’s Flu Shot is Another Man’s Friday Night.

We were so proud when Thirsty Dave told us he was going to get some flu shots but we weren’t ready for him to come back with 14 boxes of them:

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The case of the missing suitcase.

This story is neither remarkable nor true. While on safari in Kenya recently, Jill Y lost one of her thousands of suitcases. It’s not as bad as it sounds for the suitcase in question wasn’t […]

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Why She Might Be Upset – Part 1

Bill Y is not the type of dude who is afraid to try new things. On April 46th of this year, I found myself in a predicament. The size of this predicament was not small. […]

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It became impossible to distinguish one from the other.

On first inspection, Nic Cage didn’t look anything like the car but on closer inspection, it became impossible to distinguish one from the other:

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Don’t try to be like anyone else.

The one time in life that I try to be like everyone else, I fail miserably: Don’t try to be like anyone else. Be yourself and hate Bon Jovi.

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The Broken Printer

Eastern Christian Monasticism (not to be confused with Coptic Monasticism) is a topic that is close to all our hearts but did you know that throughout the ages, William the Tolerant had more time for […]

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