
This world is stupid and it’s not fair. Jill Y is a Scientist and gets to play with time machines, all the time. I’m not allowed to use the time machine or even touch the […]

Unicorn Bites 3/2/14

Me: Ow! Why’d you hit me with your fairy wand? 3-year-old daughter: It’s a lightsaber! I’ve never gone from anger to pride so fast. — Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) March 2, 2014 3-year-old: *takes 1-year-old’s toy* […]

Stand Up: Raymond McAnally at Flappers Comedy Club Los Angeles

I love when Daily Fiber Films  has new material to post. Here is Raymond McAnally’s newest stand up!  Such a talented guy and so thrilled to share his work! [embedplusvideo height=”270″ width=”472″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=Seisk2asd2M&width=472&height=270&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” […]

Hungry and Holy

We recently had one of our many discussions about stuff. Jill Y thinks that people have lost track of the teachings of Confucius and any grasp of ethical goodness. I didn’t understand anything she said […]

Unicorn Bites 3/1/14

You’re officially an adult when you realize being honest and being polite are never the same thing. — Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) March 1, 2014 Wife: You didn’t notice my haircut Me: You didn’t notice mine […]