When you fall off the bicycle, you gotta get back on the horse and put your best foot in front of your worst one.

The best things in life are free. Mocking is free so mocking is one of the best things in life. Juggling is also free and the collective and I have been taking juggling lessons. We’re learning […]

Unicorn Bites 2/24/14

Detective: I found the murder weapon. *holds up kindness* Rookie cop: You mean she killed him with… Detective: Yep Rookie: *throws up* — Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) February 24, 2014 3-year-old: Do you have a mat […]

How to turn a horse into a horsedog in one easy step.

We’ll start by saying that this is not, not cruel but most fun things are. Step one: Show your son or daughter (in my case I’ll be using my imaginary son) a picture of a […]

Unicorn Bites 2/23/14

My 1-year-old daughter said, “awesome,” and then put up her hand for a high-five. Apparently I’m raising a bro. — Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) February 24, 2014 Bad news would be easier to take if doctors […]

Coupon Cravings

I’m an addict.  A full blown addict.  My drug of choice?  Normally it’s Chipotle burritos, but lately it’s become coupons and online shopping. I can’t get enough.  I’m a junkie and nothing makes me feel more alive […]