MOFO MONDAYS 8: Kickin’ Cancer in the Ballz

Daily Fiber Films and MOFO Monday  introduces viewers to a very good cause! [embedplusvideo height=”352″ width=”576″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=h8vqXk6UbhE&width=576&height=352&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep7444″ /]

This probably works best if you check out my picture at the end of the post.

For minutes now, I’ve been obsessed. I’ve been obsessed with that little blue tick sign on Twitter accounts that tell you that the owner is famous and I want one. Sure I’m not as well […]

It all adds up

Of all the things that are things, none matter as little as going to the prom but try telling that to teenagers. With my dyslexia and bad spelling, prom night can easily end up as […]