Mrs. Blur is going to a party and it’s a party she will never forget

Diane Frances Blur is a sweet, elderly lady from somewhere. Mark Francis Blur is Diane’s grandson. Todd de Liar is Mark’s friend from school. Mark showed Diane how to use Google Maps. Diane found the […]


Sometimes it’s easy to forget about others and just think about yourself. When this world scares you more than trying to calculate what 41% of nothing is, you’re mathematically challenged to the nth degree. I […]

Rex Ryan Super Bowl Prediction

To celebrate Super Bowl Sunday, we are looking back at last year’s funny film from Daily Fiber Films about this “magical” day.  You will enjoy! [embedplusvideo height=”352″ width=”576″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=OJPCGqnHc0Q&width=576&height=352&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep3087″ /]  

Marco’s Food

The only thing that wakes me up each evening, is the knowledge that I’m going to jump so far out of my comfort zone, that I’ll probably end up in a church. Sure, I’ll be […]