The Likeness is Uncanny

Jill Y mentioned that she had no old pictures of me. My devotion to this woman knows no bounds. It took me four minutes to make her happy. Sorry girls, I’m already taken.

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Peter tells it like it is.

I refer to my younger brother as “he who is not as massively confused as I am”. This is because he is not as massively confused as I am. I refer to my younger sister […]

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Handz Off

I’m usually a hands-on type of person but I haven’t been myself lately. I just haven’t been able to get a grip on things. My favorite woman in all the world is Palmela Anderson. I […]

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Please hold your applauds, I’m merely an average genius, nothing more, nothing less.

Einstein proved that the rate of Bon Jovi hatred inside the average genius is expanding at the rate of Bon Jovi hatred inside my head, ipso facto – I’m an average genius. I know I challenge […]

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You’re only as old as you feel.

Last night, Jill Y said “you’re only as old as you feel”. I thought about those words as I raced my imaginary son around the block and lost. I thought about those words as I […]

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Excuse me young lady, don’t take that tone with me.

Legend can’t be believed but the word on the street is gospel. According to the word on the street, even the very brilliant can get lost in the sea of mediocrity and for this reason, […]

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The signs aren’t there for all to see.

Although we’re not trained in common sense, we do have a degree in ridiculousness and this sometimes comes in handy. Like Math or how magnets work, this might be hard to explain but we’ll give […]

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