Some fun HO Publicity

The Philly Inquirer did a story on HO and outed that Betsy Dickinson does not exist. Yep, a figment of my imagination or alter ego. How funny, she was outed on her supposed birthday. Anyway, here is the link to the piece and we were going to kill off Betsy anyway as her life was becoming way more exciting than  mine, and frankly I was jealous.

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7 thoughts on “Some fun HO Publicity”

  1. Congratulations! And thanks again for providing us red headed stepchildren of the literary world with a place to show what we can do!

    I’m very glad that we met each other online before you started Humor Outcasts and that you liked my work and accepted me as one of your authors. It has made a big difference in my life.

  2. Such an accomplishment Donna! Congratulations!!! My condolences to poor Betsy. LOL 😉

  3. I think this is probably the right place to out Scurvy Jane! She doesn’t exist!! Her real name is Scurvy Janet!!!

  4. VERY interesting–and let me say again,

    Thank you, Donna, for providing this outlet for outcasts. It has made my life WAY more fun.

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