Can the Fastest Vibrator Race Outdo The Kentucky Derby?

I know that this weekend is the Kentucky Derby, one of the best known races in the world.  I love the race; I love to bet on this race and in fact, I had a 17-year winning streak with this race. My streak might have lasted longer, but everyone and their mother called me for my “vibes” on the horses so they could bet, and the pressure was too much for me, so I stopped guessing and watching.

In the last three years, I have gone back to watching the horses, and I will confess that  I only won once. The other two years, my horses only placed.  Anyway, I miss betting on the horses, so I have been looking for something else that would entertain me like the races, and then I came across this You Tube video.  I will post the link but I should warn you that this race is not for those who are more on the conservative side.  They are not singing “My Old Kentucky Home” in this race. No, more likely the song of choice is “Good Vibrations” .

So, from Las Vegas (really? Who would have thought?) and for your viewing pleasure (and viewing better be all that is going on here) is the first ever Vibrating Sex Toy Race!

[embedplusvideo height=”352″ width=”576″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=0MOhKDbmDGY&width=576&height=352&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep4085″ /]


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9 thoughts on “Can the Fastest Vibrator Race Outdo The Kentucky Derby?”

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA! This is hilarious Donna! Gives the term, “Let It Ride” an entirely new meaning!

  2. This is totally hilarious!

    By the way, I hope those were all new, unused vibrators. I would hate to think that they had already been put in places that would cause someone who is not a rightful owner to not want to touch them.

  3. I’m not a religious person at all but I could totally understand the concept here about “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop” 😉

    1. Well, I laughed at it, and my mind is as idle as anyone’s, but the devil didn’t have anything to do with it. I just thought it was funny. Hehe!

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