Guess Who is on the Presidential Ticket?

After writing a recent HUMOR piece ( ) that mentioned the elusive Bigfoot and my doubt for the authenticity of famous Patterson film, I received some legitimate responses from Bigfoot researchers who agreed and disagreed with my opinion as well as a lot of, to put it lightly, angry and ridiculous messages from people who spend an enormous amount of time chasing this poor creature – a creature which I did not say did not exist and a creature who was not really the point of the entire article.

After I explained to the most zealous of these Bigfoot groupies the concept of humor which apparently is as elusive to them as Bigfoot himself, I got more illogical and emotionally charged responses back such as “Your writing sucks!”  (Hey, everyone is entitled to their opinion and who knows, maybe it does suck), and my favorite, “This film on Bigfoot is real. What are you some kind of leftist, Obama-loving liberal? You people scare me! You better not be voting in 2012!”

To which I responded in my most sincere tone, “I didn’t know Bigfoot was Republican!  Is he running on the GOP ticket? That explains so much!”

And guess what? He still didn’t get my wit. And so, I will admit that I might not be the best writer in the world, but at least I know Bigfoot would not make the best President. I should win some points for that.


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