Questions and Answers for the Funny and Unpredictable Heidi Clements

Heidi Clements is writer/executive producer of the ABC Family  sitcom “Baby Daddy” which is now in its fourth season  AND  today she is an author as well. Although Welcome to Heidi has been blazing up the charts on  during it’s pre-launch days, today is it’s official release. We, at and HO Press , thought you would like to meet her upfront and personal (sort of) as well. Please check out the wonderfully insightful, funny and unfiltered Welcome to Heidi on

welcome to heidi


1. Tell us a bit about Heidi?  Where were you born and raised? Where you went to school?

I was born and raised in Staten Island to British parents who apparently thought this was a good place to live. It was not. I went to Emerson College in Boston MA.

2. How did you get into comedy writing?  

Am I in comedy writing?  hahaha.  As far as my book/blog – I actually just write the truth about myself and people find it amusing.  My first actual job as a comedy writer was for Baby Daddy which is now about to go into its fourth season.

3. Did you always want to turn your blogs into a book?

I actually started this entire process to write a book but a publisher told me that “no one wanted to read the musings of a nobody.”  I’m guessing nobody ever told that to David Sedaris. Not that i’m David Sedaris. But she advised me to turn my book into a blog and that’s what I did.  It wasn’t until I talked to my friend Terry Sweeny – former SNL star – that I realized I could just self publish – which I ended up not having to do thanks to HumorOutcasts Press.

4. We know your blogs are based on truth but you have fictional elements in them as well.  Does the fiction part give you more freedom to express yourself or does it protect you from letting people see “all” the real Heidi?

I tend to stretch the truth when it comes to the things that happened to me – but everything is based in some sort of truth – even if that truth is just my truth.

5. What do you consider your best accomplishments?

quitting drinking.

6. How has the role of women changed in comedy writing?

I’m not sure it has.  I still can’t get an agent and I’m one of the executive producers and writers on a hit sitcom.

7. Do you have advice for women especially who want to enter TV, entertainment, etc.?

My advice is to never give up on your dreams — no matter how many people tell you no.  If it’s meant to be it will happen.

8. You want to take the fear out of turning 50 for women everywhere –especially in TV and entertainment?  How is that going? 🙂

I think my book may actually scare more women about what’s in store – the key is – laugh about all of it and you won’t care so much.

9. What do you love most about writing?

the freedom to say what i want when i want

10. Now that Welcome to Heidi is released and you’ve gone through the book process,  would you consider writing another one down the road?

Well it took me so long to explain to my parents how to get on Amazon and order my book that I started writing another one while on hold.


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8 thoughts on “Questions and Answers for the Funny and Unpredictable Heidi Clements”

  1. How is it flippin’ possible that an Executive Producer and a Writer on a hit sitcom cannot get an agent? What kind of world do we live in? And what does that say about agents?


    And laugh at Heidi’s jokes.

      1. I’ve heard it’s very difficult to get a humor book published, even though everyone loves humor. It’s nice to know there are alternatives to be traditional big publishers.

  2. What a great way to start my screen reading day, especially about how your career struggles exist, especially for a woman, but you press on with confidence and humor. I felt a special connection since I live near Boston and adore David Sedaris, too. His books got me through 9-11. I laughed because I had no choice and that’s when I discovered the healing power of laughter. You have that gift, too.

    1. She is amazing. She left me laughing throughout the book process. And she is a very gracious person too which she probably hates to admit, but she truly is. Thanks Suzette!

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