Cotton Candy For The Paranoid


A group of GOP senators recently sent an “open letter” to the leaders of Iran. The letter warned that any nuclear weapons deal being negotiated by President Obama and leaders of other countries could be overturned by the president’s successor (ie Donald Trump). Writing and sending the letter was seen as a shockingly unusual move, mostly because the GOP rarely finishes anything it sets out to do.

The whole petty scenario reminds you of those website headlines you see: “An Open Letter To People Who Claim That Hanging Christmas Ornaments From My Nipples Isn’t Really Fashion.”

The leaders of Iran didn’t take the letter seriously. In fact, on Tuesday they sent their own open letter to America. It was published in The Washington Times:


The GOP followed the lead of Senator Tom Cotton (who spearheaded the drive for the original letter) after he demonstrated superior writing skills by crafting his own campaign motto (“Pick Cotton!”). Cotton is now working to ramp up pressure on this issue. Apparently, he’s crafting An Open Letter Response To The Iranian Open Letter Response To The GOP Open Letter To Iran.

Stay tuned. This is guaranteed to get even dumber.

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