Update Causes Lost Author Photos

Due to “updates” most author photos are now missing. Previously we were using a “pluggin” which is no longer compatible with the site. WordPress has “Gravatars” that get picked up automatically.

Users need to go to this site: http://en.gravatar.com/ if they don’t already have a sign-in they need to create one with the same email address they used for HumorOutcasts. This site will send a confirmation e-mail and you can then sign in. Upload a photo and save your profile. You can add additional profile information or not, that is your option. The extra info appears in the popups when someone points at your photo in a comment.

For an example point your mouse on one of the photos of lbwoodgate on https://humoroutcasts.com/2011/sentiment-for-ows-occupy-wall-street/ or any of his articles.

We are sorry for the inconvenience this causes but this is more compatible with WordPress and as Larry and a couple of other WordPress users prove it is more portable.

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