My Turn

I’m tired of people bitching about Obama-care.

“Oh, my taxes are going to go up.”

Bullshit! You stupid simple minded piece of shit. If you’re dumb enough to bitch about affordable healthcare you’re probably already getting it for free from the government as it is. You and your five uneducated future McDonald’s employed children.

And your taxes?

Like you actually pay them. Yeah, they take money out of your check from 7-Eleven each week but you get food stamps don’t you? When your fat ass waddles into H&R Block in every January for that early refund, it amounts to more than what you paid in because of your five future delinquents, right?

All that government housing, extra on your tax refunds, free money for food (that you use to buy crap that increases your morbid obesity and BMI), That’s my money. The money that comes from what’s left of the middle class. Those of us who are predominantly single and making 40-70k a year. Those of us who have to pay higher insurance costs so you can continue to get it for free.

What you people are complaining about is more retarded than your FAS babies. If people like me can’t afford to stay healthy, who’s going to carry your freeloading ass?

If you were actually smart enough to pay this much attention to everything you paid taxes for, you’d be way more upset.

Educate yourself America… you’re overweight, diabetic and have heart issues; and there’s a black man that is still willing to take care of everything you don’t want to do. This is as close to the cotton picking, pre-Lincoln days as you and Mitt are going to get. So shut the fuck up.

Enjoy it.

And while I’m still in a ranting mood, stop saying you’re “over” the heatwave. Were your actually dumb enough to be in favor of it in the first place? Please.

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7 thoughts on “My Turn”

    1. First off, I am neither a republican, nor democrat. I maintain a second residences in the state of California simply to be a registered independent, despite preferring to live in the east Nashville area of Tennessee. Secondly you need to check your facts. True in the predominantly urban area’s better than 70% of the people receiving aid are democrats (or blacks). What you fail to look at (mainly because your biased news network doesn’t report it) is the larger picture, the rural American communities, aka the red states. According to the BBC in 2009, over 60% of the federal aid distributed in this country went to rural America. 85% of which are low income white families registered as, wait for it, republicans. These are the same people who are opposed to Obama-care of which I speak.

  1. LOL, please Jason tell us how you really feel! Like I said when I heard the news,”Nothing makes me smile like collective mass stupidity . . . it’s so funny! They’re like over stimulated gerbils.”

    1. At least gerbils are cute. These people are toothless, mindless beer drinking NASCAR fans.

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