Where would we be without questions?

Everywhere I go, people ask me questions. Why isn’t there mouse flavored cat food? What do sheep count when they can’t sleep? If a black box flight recorder is never damaged in a plane crash, why don’t they make the whole plane out of that stuff? I need to spend my day Mocking and sometimes I just don’t have the time for questions. I asked my boss if she would stop asking me questions. She only went and asked me, why? People are so obsessed with asking questions, that they’ve now began asking questions of animals as the below depiction depicts:


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10 thoughts on “Where would we be without questions?”

    1. Those Amazon surveys are everywhere although I’ve yet to see one on Amazon!

    1. Well, I don’t have lots of penguin friends but that’s because I have an irrational fear of nuns!

    1. There was a comment about “Give a man a fish …” and the little dude had a lot to say about it!

    1. Well there was a whole lot of screeching going on but he wanted to highlight his fear of nuns!

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