Get a Real Job, Frank!


Conservative wordsmith Frank Luntz has created a job for himself that helps the GOP reframe issues in a manner that makes them look good while making their Democratic adversaries look villainous.  That makes him a job creator, right?

His early crowning achievement was to convince voters to oppose a tax that most of them will never be affected by, the Estate Tax.  The IRS informs us that “only total taxable estates and lifetime gifts that exceed $1,000,000 will actually have to pay tax. In its current form, the estate tax only affects the wealthiest 2 percent of all Americans”.

How, pray tell, you may ask does someone convince unaffected voters to rally around millionaires?  Simply by changing the name the Estate tax to the “death tax” and conveying that the “evil” government follows us even after death.  This bogus misconception was successful in scaring voters each election cycle into the Republican camps.

Luntz is hard at work again at his job at the behest of the Republican Governors Association who are concerned that their good buddies on Wall Street, and by default, themselves, are being exposed for what they are – the Party of the rich.  Luntz made several suggestions.  Some of them you’ve heard before like “Blame Washington, not Wall Street”, referring to entrepreneurs as “job creators” and never use the word “compromise” – something the founding fathers found handy to write our Constitution with.  The full list can be found here from the Chris Moody article at Yahoo news.

But the one suggestion of Frank’s that sticks out is the one that tells Republicans not to  talk about ‘jobs.’   Frank suggest that the word “jobs” is rubbing people the wrong way.  Especially the millions that don’t have one.  Instead, he says talk about ‘careers.’

“Everyone in this room talks about ‘jobs,'” Luntz said. “Watch this.”

He then asked everyone to raise their hand if they want a “job.” Few hands went up. Then he asked who wants a “career.” Almost every hand was raised.

“So why are we talking about jobs?”

Really Frank?  9% unemployment for nearly 2 years.  Don’t you think you ought to be talking about jobs?  And who indeed in a room full of career politicians would want a “job”?  eeeeewww.

But what Frank appears to be suggesting is that unemployed people not look at their long term lingering job hunt that 3-4 other people are also competing for as something negative.  Look at it more as a search time to redefine yourself.  Look for that special “career” that will elevate you to a position that is looked upon more favorably by one-percenters and their cronies in Congress.  Labor wages are so blue collar.  Find that white collar job that allows you to fit in with the GOP crowd who looks down their superior noses at those Occupy Wall Street protesters.

Never mind that you’ve already spent your retirement savings, your children’s college fund and most of your furniture just to keep paying a mortgage on a home that’s underwater and put food on the table.  Borrow more money (if you can) and seek a new direction for your life.  We’d suggest applying for federal job training funds but Frank’s Party of No has cut those to the bone as well as every other program that aids those who found themselves unemployed by the financial collapse.  Bankers qualify for bailout funds but “job” seekers?  Sorry.

Remember too that Luntz is talking to Republican governors and their staff.  Their job as chief executive of their respective state is not supposed to be a “career” but don’t tell Rick Perry of Texas.  To many governors their position is a “career” move to help them form tighter alliances with wealthy corporate interests and seek higher office where the connection between legislators and K Street is envied.  Should they win the lottery and make it to the White House, they need not worry about financial security for the rest of their lives.

It seems odious too for someone who gets paid handsomely for simply distorting reality through the use of word games by asking people who are already wealthy,  not to mention they earn a tidy salary, benefits and perks, all on the taxpayer’s dime.  There are roughly about 13 million people who have no jobs at all and about 10-12 million more who make only part-time wages with no benefits.  Ask these people Mr. Luntz if they want a “job”.  I’ll bet my unemployment benefits check next month that you’ll get a unanimous response.

Where can I get a job like yours Frank?



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5 thoughts on “Get a Real Job, Frank!”

  1. Is there really an ad below my post that says “LOCAL SLUTS WANT TO F—” We really are an equal opportunity ad site. woo hoo.

    1. what ? there was an ad that said this? This is not allowed. We block ads like this.

      1. I’m really not making this up Elizabeth. I was a bit surprised too, albeit titillated at the same time 🙂

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