Homework? Me? Really?

That was me, moaning to my wife as she announced that our son had a project due in school.  I thought about the days when I had projects and how my parents were mysteriously absent when these projects were due.  Oh, but back then a book report was a book report, remember?  Now, shudder, a book report has to be a work of art –a cereal box cut open and made to look like a tiny stage from some 1800’s Saloon.  Then, you have to do cut outs, and create a scene in this cereal box world which looks like a scene from the book that is the subject of the report.

Really? Yes, that is a book report nowadays.  I was just wondering if we could apply that to book reviews that we do here in our Blogs?  So, I have to end this little tirade because it is time to get artistic.  I only hope that my book report/artistic creation gets a higher mark than my wife got for her Geography project.  She only got a B; surely I can beat that.  Oh, the son? He is playing Wii right now, I think he might come and help me near the end.

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6 thoughts on “Homework? Me? Really?”

  1. My parents never helped me with any school projects,unless you count all those times my mother had to sew sheets together and make cardboard accessories for school plays. That’s a whole other story, though. I was pretty pathetic when it came to creating actual, tangible stuff, anyway.

    1. When I went to school, all those many, many years ago, we didn’t have creative assignments. A book report was just that, you wrote a story about the book. Math homework was a bunch of calculations on a sheet of paper, not a Power Point presentation. We turned out ok, didn’t we? Oh well never mind, don’t answer that one 🙂

      1. Well, maybe YOU turned out okay. I’m still not sure about myself, though. I’ll have to get back to you on that after I think about it for a while.

  2. Ha. School projects are fun for parents. I’ll never forget my daughters science assignment to make a “scale model” of the solar system. What fun, we started with the smallest planet and had a grain of sand represent that. The scale of the solar system still covered a couple of miles. 🙂

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