Barnes & Noble has a case of the ‘Mean Girls,’ not so fetch

The holiday shopping season is upon us, which also means added stress.

And for some reason, when I was purchasing a gift at Barnes & Noble recently, this receipt just seemed to piss me off, for the mere reason that it rubbed in my face that I wasn’t a privileged Barnes & Noble customer.

Oh really, Barnes & Noble! But in order to be a member, I would have paid $25.

Barnes & Noble is like some sort of cruel sorority that keeps reminding you what it takes to get in: money. Of course, $25 doesn’t necessarily allow you all of the friends you’d like at unlimited mixers—just $0.80 off of an $8 book.

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3 thoughts on “Barnes & Noble has a case of the ‘Mean Girls,’ not so fetch”

  1. That receipt would piss me off too. And make me not want to be a member just for spite. I may not have saved .80 but I still have my bitterness and you can’t put a price on that.

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