You Will Be The Special Topping Of The Night!

This is a real sign outside a pizza place in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Possible captions for it:

1- Um…..just what sort of meat did you say was on that?

2- Yes, you do have a great talent with that machete, but did you have to decapitate my   girlfriend in the process of slicing the pizza??????

3- Why does this tomato sauce taste real icky?

4- Just because you were a famous masked movie star once doesn’t mean you are anything great now. Please just get over yourself and give us our pie!

5- Yes! Yes! Yes!
    We will definitely remember to leave you a tip! No problem at all!

6- You say you wear the mask because the person who trained you had a lousy aim?!

7- Um, actually Halloween isn’t for another 6 months. I know it’s a fun holiday but nobody I know of starts celebrating it in May!

8- No, that was William Tell who sliced the apple off his son’s head and he actually used a crossbow to do it. And, ‘No!’, you cannot demonstrate your skill on my son!

9- No, we had wanted it sliced in four pieces, we had said. So why don’t you scoot along and get us a new one?

10- No, Reginald, trying to get out of the damage you have just done with offering us a free two day old pizza isn’t going to clear this mess away! 

11- Umm, It’s really nice that you are offering freshly slaughtered meat for this, but don’t you think it should maybe be cooked first?

12- No, BEEF sausage, NOT pork sausage! And we want it kosher too! You think you can handle that?

13- The pizza is already cut- why do you need the machete………oh, oh………..

14- Self-inflicted circumcision is never a good idea……oh, too late now, you say….

  1. No, I don’t have any bandages. Why do you ask?


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